When it comes to money and agencies — there’s a big difference between the Wieden + Kennedy's of the world and you. Good news is — you can make as much money, if not more than they do — if you manage your finances right.
But you can’t do it the same way they do.
If your company has fewer than 500 employees, the great big numbers you read in the trade publications and all the research reports about advertising agencies, interactive firms, or public relations firms just don’t apply to you. Our agencies are different and we measure our performance and results differently.
Of course, we’re all in business to make a profit, but the way the big guys get there and the way we get there is really different. We’re lucky because our businesses are smaller and easier to manage.
If you try to manage your business financially the way the big guys do, the rewards won’t be as great.
Our on-demand course, Money Matters was developed especially for principals and financial managers in marketing communication firms (advertising, design, digital, marketing and public relations). Our objective is NOT to turn you into a bean counter. We want you to learn how to use the numbers to your advantage, maximize your profits and grow the company.
Most owners of small marketing firms have not had specific accounting training other than what they may have learned from their accountants. Our mission with Money Matters is to make it easy to understand if your agency is healthy if you can afford to hire more people and what parts of your business are out of whack. From there, you can leverage the results for even better profits and growth.
And, of course, Money Matters is about the benchmarks you should use to operate profitably. You will learn about the AMI Report Card and other critical dashboard elements that will let you know if your company is in trouble at a glance.